Weekends Summer 24

Village changes it’s rhythms as a Church over the summer making space to rest, recharge and to be intentional about the relationships we are part of.

As such our groups pause and we run one gathering a week in a local home in the Oldmeldrum area. For details please reach out for directions and info.

We would love to welcome you along to a Summer @Home gatherings - 10:30am

What’s on @ Village

Term time we run a number of groups accessible to anyone.

Sunday’s - Village Gatherings - a space to share food, explore faith and build community.

Tuesday’s - Explore Group - Meeting in Oldmeldrum - 1:15-2:45pm - a chance to explore faith through the Bible.

Friday’s - Prayer Space - Meeting in Oldmeldrum - 1pm - a chance to pray for our community, wider family and world.

VC Youth - Meeting in the Oldmelrum area - 1st Sunday & 3rd Sunday’s of the month - 4pm

For locations please get in touch by EMAIL.

Worship and prayer is key to who we are. We create intentional spaces to do this throughout the week in all wet do


Serving is at the heart of what we do. We do this individually and as a church family. We would love to get you involved as we bless and serve those around us.


VC Kids is a chance for all the family to explore faith together - games, music, crafts, stories and fun for all the family!! We have provision for kids at most of our gatherings - children are always welcome.


Our Social’s are a great chance to connect and hang out with others in the Village family – join us for walks, picnics, Family Quiz’s or other social occasions.

Never been to church before? The idea of coming along to church in person or online can be daunting. Village Church is family focused, small, stripped back, casual, and real. You will be welcomed a friendly face and accessible teaching that equips you to live out your best life as we learn what it means to follow Jesus together.
You are very welcome no matter your background or where you are at in life.

We are passionate about following Jesus with our whole lives and we believe his message and the example he sets to follow is as relevant today as it has ever been. Therefore church is done in a way that is accessible and relevant without compromising what’s important.

Please come and join us – we hope you will feel welcome.